diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2008

Computers have made the world a better place!

Computers have made the world a better place

I agree with it, because with computers my social life is better, 75% of my social life depends on computers: msn’s, hotmail’s etc.
Computers give me more culture about the world, for example music, sport, news… I have good fan with games, funny videos…etc.

All this are advantages but like everything else computers have disadvantages:

Isn’t healthy, you become lazier, you don’t go out as often, you don’t enjoy the nature or fresh air, you do less homework and you study less, in conclusion you waste a lot of time.

In conclusion, in general computers have made the world a better place but also there are some negative things, like the ones I pointed out before and probably many more which I can’t remember just now.